Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Summer Milestones

It has been so great to be home this summer. I feel that I have been able to really learn from Marek's therapists and in return push Marek as much as possible. He hasn't had a relaxing summer that is for sure. He has the same therapy schedule as before with a few changes. He is graduating out of vision therapy since his therapist feels that his vision is not inhibiting his development at this time. She will evaluate him again in 6 months to see where he is at. She said that sometimes when kiddos start to walk they need help using their different planes of vision. We are sad to see Ms. Becky leave us for now but that only means things are going well. Since we are stopping vision his speech therapist would like to start seeing him more which we agree would be very helpful since we are starting to hear more and more sounds each week. He has dada, baba, papa and my favorite MAMA!!! He has also learned the sign "eat" and has stopped using the "more" sign since he now TELLS US that he wants "MO". You better believe that we never deny him "MO" when he asks for it, even if that means a whole bag of Gold Fish. Marek has also been doing swim lessons which has turned him into quite the water baby, or should I say toddler since he will be TWO next week! He is kicking in the water, trying to blow bubbles in the water and has learned to "jump" in from a sitting position after we count to three. It has been a pretty warm summer in St. Louis so I am glad he likes the water because some days that is the only place I want to be.

Marek's Thank You Bash was a blast. We were so excited to see so many of you there and be able to spend time with you and to thank you for all of your support. Although Marek had a rough night, we know that he enjoyed seeing each and every one of you as well. God has truly blessed us with an amazing village that is constantly praying and cheering for our little warrior and it has paid off. I know we have said it many times, but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

The weekend of the party we got to share some exciting news with our family and friends, Marek is going to be a big brother! I truly believe that he has so much to offer his new brother/sister and we can't wait for the two of them to meet in December! There are tons of emotions that come with finding out you are expecting a little one after going through all that we have with Marek. We waited for all the genetic tests to come back normal before we even let the thought of expanding our family enter our minds. Even with all the normal tests though, we know that there is always a chance that something could come back. At this point it is a thought I try to keep from popping up in my mind while I try to enjoy being pregnant without fear taking over.

Marek saw his neurologist in the beginning of June. This is the last time we will meet with this neurologist since he is transferring hospitals. We will not be seeing the Epileptologist only from here on out. We met with him after meeting with Marek's neurologist. He has scheduled a MRI scan for Marek the beginning of August to see if we can finally see any correlation between what the PET scan showed and any physical malformations in Marek's brain. We had to wait until he was 2 because until a child is 2 their brain is still "mush" (yes this is the term the doctor used) and it is hard to pin point malformations. Marek will have to be sedated for the MRI which always scares us, but he is such a trooper I have to believe that he will be just fine.

We have continued to come up to Fort Wayne every month. Ryan was able to spend a week with us last month. I was so happy he could make the trip because I wanted him to meet his ABM therapist, Jon, and see first hand just how great Marek does during his sessions. We turned our therapy trip into a mini vacation which included strawberry picking, ice cream stops and park visits. It was nice to get away as just the three of us, even if it was only to Fort Wayne. My mom was able to make the trip with us in May and again this month. It has been so nice having some "adult" company and lots of help during our summer trips. Thanks Mom!!

Marek reached a HUGE milestone during the last few days...................he is now CRAWLING!! We have waited so long for him to finally be able to do this and I still have to pinch myself every time he gets up on all fours and takes off to where he wants to go. My heart is so full right now it is ready to burst.

We hope that everyone is enjoying their summers and are staying cool.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day

I’m going to take the time today not to talk about our little peanut but to talk about my husband.

Today is Father’s Day, and while everyone has already gone out and bought their Father’s day cards I couldn’t bring myself to buy one this year because they honestly didn’t describe, sum up, or speak to what kind of Dad you are. So I decided to steal our son’s blog and write my own.

I remember the first time you met Marek in the operating room, I had to watch your face since I couldn’t see anything over the drape. I knew the second you laid eyes on him because they lit up with pure joy, you could barely get out the words, “It’s a boy!” That moment will forever remain one of the happiest moments of my life, and I knew right then and there that you were going to be an AMAZING father.

I wish all of our days were that joyous but I have also watched you go through hell with our son. I have had my crappy days when dealing with all of this, whenever Marek would hit a low point I felt like I was drowning in heartache. However, when  I saw you hit a low point I felt a whole new kind of burning heartache, one that takes your breath away. I don’t know if it was because you were so much stronger than me with keeping it together and I rarely got to see you have these low points, or that I felt more helpless because I couldn’t help our son or my husband in their time of pain. I’ll never know what made my heart break so much on those few nights that I saw your emotions exposed. What I do know is that I saw a man that would give up ANYTHING for his son and that his happiness depended on the happiness and well-being of his son which makes you the best father for Marek.

Marek is so lucky to have a dad like you. You have shown him so many things these last two years without even realizing it, but I have. You have shown him how to be strong. I’m sure you never thought twice about this, but every day that you went to work while Marek was at home with me because you knew that you had to in order to give Marek the best medical care possible, proved just how strong you are. I commend you for having the strength and focus to do so because emotionally I couln’t leave the house. You have shown him how to be caring. You will never know how much it meant to me when you would hold me when I felt like the world was crashing down on our family after Marek’s diagnosis and tell me that everything would be okay. You have shown Marek how to love, through the love you have given him. He adores you and I see it every day, he makes sure you are watching when he does something new, he lights up with laughter when you come home from work, and HE IS ALWAYS SAYING YOUR NAME! So although our little peanut might not be talking he watches EVERYTHING and through your actions he is learning how to be an extraordinary person.

You have had some terribly low times being a dad so far but I think that this year has blessed you with the happy times that you deserve. What sets you a part from most dads is that you notice and APPRECIATE the little things. (Probably the only gift that has come out of this ugly rollercoaster ride we have been on). I love when I get to see how Marek makes you laugh like when he is surrounded by 100 toys but the only thing he is interested in is the cell phone you are on and won’t leave you alone until you give it to him (which you always do). I love how you laugh when Marek decides to throw almost all of his cut up spaghetti on Olive Garden’s floor, and keep laughing while you’re on the floor picking it up. Most of all I love how Marek’s laugh makes you laugh and then you both end up laughing harder. There has been way to many tears shed in our family since Marek’s diagnosis and I am glad they are finally
being replaced with smiles and laughter.

Happy Father’s Day hun, we love you so much!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

On a roll!!!!

There is no stopping him.

Marek’s development has been soaring lately! I am a true believer now that the medicine he has been on has been holding him back. Every time we drop the dose he connects more with us, his therapists and life around him. We are currently on 6 Mls of Sabril (we started at 30 Mls). If all goes well Marek will be medicine free in May! We are excited to see how he will be after all the medicine is out of his system (a little scary, but we are staying positive that the path we are down now will be filled with sunshine and lots and lots of MILESTONES!). At the end of February, Marek sat up for the first time all by himself. It was a struggle, but with lots of grunts he was able to push himself up from lying on his back. Since then he has learned how to get out of a sitting position, side sit and push himself into a sitting position from being on his tummy. Just yesterday he learned how to scoot on his butt backwards. He understands a lot of small requests that Ryan and I are asking of him. He has learned another sign which is “please” and we are working on “all done” "eat" and “no”. Now that Marek is finally using his arms we can focus on his legs. We got to Fort Wayne yesterday morning for Marek’s first WEEK LONG therapy sessions. All the other times have been roughly three days. I am excited to see what Jon (his ABM therapist) can push him to do now that he has more body awareness. I am also very thankful that my dad was willing to drive with me to Fort Wayne yesterday only to fly back last night. Marek hasn't been the best travel buddy these days. He makes it about an hour before he melts down unless someone is entertaining him in the backseat. So THANKS DAD!!!

As Marek gets stronger and more mobile we are finally getting to “worry” about or maybe a better word is “enjoy” some regular obstacles. He now sits up in his crib so that means that anything around his crib has become accessible to throwing and pushing down. It took us a few nights or “bangs” and “crashes” to realize that we need to move everything away from the crib and lower the mattress. Marek also has learned how to open cabinets and drawers which means we have had a few pinched fingers in the last couple of weeks. Our biggest “normal” obstacle we are facing is his meltdowns when we tell him no or when he can’t figure out how to do something. The closer we get to his second birthday the more we see, but deep down we love it because it means he is cognitively aware of his surroundings and what we are saying to him. 

Easter was a lot of fun this year. Marek participated in opening his baskets from everyone and his Nana and Papa helped him color Easter eggs. His favorite part had to be the food. MAN THIS KID CAN EAT. We have removed all of the restrictions from his diet and he has discovered the world of “kid snacks” and loves it! Ryan and I are thankful that mealtimes can return to normal now that he can have whatever we are having instead of having to prepare something special for him. 

As the weather warms up Marek is enjoying all the outdoor activities. He loves going for wagon rides, bike rides and blowing bubbles outside. I can’t wait to get him in the pool this summer and see how much he is able to do in the water. Ryan and I try to find one thing each weekend that is “Marek friendly”. It is a struggle some times to find places that we can take him where he can enjoy the activities even though he still can’t walk. We have found that the Magic House in St. Louis is a great place for him. He was able to play with all the ball activities, the lighted sandbox, and enjoy all the musical toys that they have. We also ventured out to the Incredible Pizza Company which has a section for small kiddos and Marek was able to enjoy a few rides. It took him a few tries to warm up to the idea of going on the rides by himself but by the end of the night he was signing “more” every time the rides stopped.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Little Valentine

 I am always so surprised when I log onto Marek’s blog and see when the last time I posted was. There are so many days that I wake up and tell myself, “today I’m going to update the blog,” and yet, by the end of the day, after putting Marek to sleep I basically fall face first into bed and forget that I even had that thought so many hours ago. Ryan and I run almost every day with Marek. We have Speech three days a week, ABM therapy in St. Louis every other weekend, Doctor's appointments, Orthotics' appointments and ABM therapy in Fort Wayne once a month. I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised that I don’t update the blog as much as I would like.

Last month Marek got an EEG because he was doing some odd movements that Ryan and I were concerned about. The results showed some good things and some not so good things. The good news was that all the strange movements Marek was making were NOT seizures. We were very thankful for those results, because that by far was the most important news. I wish that I didn’t have to second guess every little movement that Marek makes but given his diagnosis we have to question everything because we never know what is going on in our little peanut’s head. 

The downside of the results was that his EEG was not normal. This was the first time that the EEG showed both spiking and slowing of his brainwaves on the same EEG. The neurologist didn’t really go into depth on what the slow brainwaves meant at this point. He just said that there is a set speed that brainwaves should travel at given an individual’s age, and Marek’s brainwave speed is below that set speed for his age. We are not doctors by any means, but Ryan and I feel that since Marek isn't developmentally at his chronological age it makes sense that his brainwaves wouldn’t be at that speed either. We are hoping as we come off his last medication and he keeps gaining skills maybe one day his brainwave speed will be age appropriate. The spiking on his EEG means that a seizure can happen at any moment. They said that a spike is like a small spark that would ignite a fire, the fire being a seizure. Marek has been successful at keeping the sparks from igniting but we are unsure if that is due to his own brain’s ability at keeping them at bay or the help of a still pretty hefty dose of Sabril. Only time will tell as we wean of the medication if he can truly be medication and seizure free. 

Marek had his one year evaluation the middle of January for early intervention. Last year when he was first evaluated after his IS diagnosis he was 5 months old and tested at a 1 month level. At his one year evaluation he was 18 months old and tested at a 7 month level. It was a rough day to sit there and listen to all the things that Marek is still not able to do. It’s hard knowing that he is still so far behind but I am thankful for each and every little thing he CAN do. 

New things that Marek can do:
  • Give kisses
  • Army crawl on all surfaces (at first he could only do it on our hardwood floor)
  • Give High Fives
  • Pivot in circles while on his stomach
  • Take his sock off
  • Signs “more” for EVERYTHING

He has accomplished a lot in the last month. Although we always wish he could acquire skills faster, we take the time to celebrate each little inchstone. I think as time goes on family, friends and even ourselves start to think that things are “all better.” Most of the time we live in our new “normal” without thinking twice about Marek’s limitations. I feel that we are able to not think about the negatives so often because we honestly live in a for a lack of a better term a sort of bubble. When its just the three of us and our families we focus on the things Marek CAN do. However, there are times that we have to venture out of our safe circle, for Marek’ sake, and we find out very fast just how hard it is to go out in the real world. Ryan and I always try to think of things that we can do with Marek since we know it is best for him to go out and discover new things and be around other kids. 

Last weekend I had a great (soon to find out terrible) idea, lets take Marek to Monkey Joes. My thinking was that he could play on the inflatable bouncers and we didn't have to worry about him throwing himself backwards and hitting his head on something hard. The second we walked into Monkey Joes I regretted my idea. Seeing all the kids Marek’s age running around, bouncing on the equipment yelling for their parents was like a sucker punch to the gut & heart. There was no way Marek would be able to play on the equipment without being trampled. We were in there for three minutes before turning around and leaving. I couldn’t get out the door fast enough. I barely made it to the car before tears rolled down my cheeks. I could tell Ryan was upset too. It sucks when we realize all the things that Marek is missing out on, and selfishly what we are missing out on too. Its hard to be around any kids; family, friends, strangers etc. because it is a very, in our face, reminder of what Marek struggles with. So back in our bubble we have gone until we have enough strength to face our next outing. 

Marek and I are in Fort Wayne this week. This time we are here by ourselves since Kourtney went back to Marengo to help my mom who just had knee surgery. Marek’s ABM Therapist, Jon, was very pleased to see how much Marek has progressed since our last trip up here. I love getting to spend one on one time with my little peanut. We have a lot of down time between his therapy sessions so we went to the book store where Marek picked out a few books he liked, we have gone out on a bunch of lunch/dinner dates and Marek even went on a train ride. 

As Marek gets older and develops new skills it is fun to do new things with him but as he gets bigger I am finding it more and more of a challenge to go places alone with him. He is at an age where he doesn’t like to be in the car for more than two hours, which makes this 5 1/2 hour trip to Fort Wayne very interesting. As he gets bigger so do his lungs, I'm telling you that boy can SCREAM. Its always a challenge to get in and out of the hotel since Marek can’t stand or walk and is too big for his carrier my only option is to hold him while bringing each bag in from the car. And maybe this is sharing too much, but its a definite struggle when we have to take potty breaks on our long car ride. I can't leave Marek in the car and he can't stand by himself so when Mommy has to use the potty the only place for Marek is on my lap. These are the challenges I never thought I would have to think about but having a non mobile 18 month old makes some days very interesting. However, in the end, it is all worth it as I sit and watch him do new and exciting things through ABM therapy. 

When we get back to St. Louis we will be making the change to a new childcare place for Marek. His last one is just not working out how we had hoped it would. It seems that Marek was too much work for them and they didn’t want to follow our wishes as parents as well as his therapists' recommendations. Marek also HATED going there so our hope is by starting at a new daycare they will be more willing to help Marek and in return he will be happier going there.

Although I am counting down the days until summer I have a new appreciation and love for the snow. Mighty Man was able to enjoy  his first sled ride with Daddy before we left for Fort Wayne on Sunday. He loved it and it made the perfect ending to our weekend. Hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Weekend spending it with those you love. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A New Year

Hello 2016! 

A new year brings new hope!

 We hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year! Our Christmas started off a little rough, the stomach bug made a visit before Santa could and left all three of us sick to our stomachs. Luckily we all bounced back pretty quickly. Marek loved Christmas this year, and it was such a joy watching him get excited about new toys. He was able to open his own presents this year with a little direction from Mom and Dad (since he found each piece of wrapping paper he ripped off THE MOST FASCINATING THING EVER!). The fact that Marek would get excited about certain toys is HUGE, if we saw that he was extra interested in something we would open it up right then and there and play with it. The big winner this Christmas was BALLS! He has discovered how to play with them by taking turns rolling balls back and forth to someone. It always gets him smiling.

Marek must have been a very good boy this year because he was blessed with so many gifts, however I think that the gift he gave us on Christmas was by far the best gift of the season. He said "dada" for the first time! Ryan was feeding him in the kitchen when he thought he heard it, but wasn't a 100% sure. Later, he brought him into the bathroom to give him a bath, I was doing my hair in there when I heard it. I almost burned myself with the curling iron because I got so excited. We heard him say it for the next couple of days but then he took a break and just this weekend picked it back up again.

Our New Year's Eve was perfect in my eyes. We went out to dinner, just the three of us, then watched a Netflix series together. Marek was asleep by 8:30 and Mom and Dad shortly after, around 10:30. I did however, set my alarm for 11:50 to wake us up. Ryan and I rang in the New Year with a champagne toast.....then went right back to bed!

Back to work!

I survived my first week back to work. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least. Marek did great at daycare the two weeks before Christmas and I was hoping that would continue over to my first week going back to school. Monday morning went smoothly, which I was very thankful for, but Tuesday was a different story. I set him on the play mat and put his things in his cubby and when I went to kiss him goodbye and walk away he started crying. OH MY GOODNESS! It took everything I had not to call in sick that day and take Marek back home so we could spend the day together. I gave him an extra kiss and gave him to his teacher as I quickly exited the building with tears in my eyes. That was a rough morning, but I called to check in on him at ten and they said he was doing fine. The good report helped me make it through the rest of the day. The next three days my sister, Kourtney, took care of Marek here at the house which took a lot of stress off of me. She knows the therapy exercises he needs to do, pushes him to try new things, and best of all he doesn't shed a tear when I leave him with her. Thanks again for being such a terrific Aunt!!

Marek has gone down yet again on his Sabril dose. We are at 11 mls twice a day. Like I have said before, each step down we see things starting to click for him. Right after Christmas Marek started to ARMY CRAWL! It started off with moving forward just an inch and now he can make it halfway across our living room floor. He had another session of ABM therapy this weekend and his therapist said this is the best he has ever seen him and was even able to assist him in getting into a crawling position and Marek held if for 30 seconds. 

We are keeping our fingers crossed that 2016 continues to offer big things for our Mighty Man.