Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day

I’m going to take the time today not to talk about our little peanut but to talk about my husband.

Today is Father’s Day, and while everyone has already gone out and bought their Father’s day cards I couldn’t bring myself to buy one this year because they honestly didn’t describe, sum up, or speak to what kind of Dad you are. So I decided to steal our son’s blog and write my own.

I remember the first time you met Marek in the operating room, I had to watch your face since I couldn’t see anything over the drape. I knew the second you laid eyes on him because they lit up with pure joy, you could barely get out the words, “It’s a boy!” That moment will forever remain one of the happiest moments of my life, and I knew right then and there that you were going to be an AMAZING father.

I wish all of our days were that joyous but I have also watched you go through hell with our son. I have had my crappy days when dealing with all of this, whenever Marek would hit a low point I felt like I was drowning in heartache. However, when  I saw you hit a low point I felt a whole new kind of burning heartache, one that takes your breath away. I don’t know if it was because you were so much stronger than me with keeping it together and I rarely got to see you have these low points, or that I felt more helpless because I couldn’t help our son or my husband in their time of pain. I’ll never know what made my heart break so much on those few nights that I saw your emotions exposed. What I do know is that I saw a man that would give up ANYTHING for his son and that his happiness depended on the happiness and well-being of his son which makes you the best father for Marek.

Marek is so lucky to have a dad like you. You have shown him so many things these last two years without even realizing it, but I have. You have shown him how to be strong. I’m sure you never thought twice about this, but every day that you went to work while Marek was at home with me because you knew that you had to in order to give Marek the best medical care possible, proved just how strong you are. I commend you for having the strength and focus to do so because emotionally I couln’t leave the house. You have shown him how to be caring. You will never know how much it meant to me when you would hold me when I felt like the world was crashing down on our family after Marek’s diagnosis and tell me that everything would be okay. You have shown Marek how to love, through the love you have given him. He adores you and I see it every day, he makes sure you are watching when he does something new, he lights up with laughter when you come home from work, and HE IS ALWAYS SAYING YOUR NAME! So although our little peanut might not be talking he watches EVERYTHING and through your actions he is learning how to be an extraordinary person.

You have had some terribly low times being a dad so far but I think that this year has blessed you with the happy times that you deserve. What sets you a part from most dads is that you notice and APPRECIATE the little things. (Probably the only gift that has come out of this ugly rollercoaster ride we have been on). I love when I get to see how Marek makes you laugh like when he is surrounded by 100 toys but the only thing he is interested in is the cell phone you are on and won’t leave you alone until you give it to him (which you always do). I love how you laugh when Marek decides to throw almost all of his cut up spaghetti on Olive Garden’s floor, and keep laughing while you’re on the floor picking it up. Most of all I love how Marek’s laugh makes you laugh and then you both end up laughing harder. There has been way to many tears shed in our family since Marek’s diagnosis and I am glad they are finally
being replaced with smiles and laughter.

Happy Father’s Day hun, we love you so much!!!!!!!