Our little peanut turned 7 months old on Friday. These last two months have been hell for our little guy but our super hero continues to amaze us each and every day . He has been through more in the last 7 months than many have been through in their entire lifetime. His strength and bravery is unbelievable. I see him working so hard on all of his skills and I know that he has it in him to conquer every obstacle that stands in his way. His laugh and smile are what gets me through each day. Even through this horrible drug treatment he has been strong enough to learn new things (like hold his bottle). We are hoping that this will be the month that his strength and determination will pay off and he will become seizure free. We want you to know Marek that Mommy and Daddy are behind you 100% and we have all the faith in the world in you. You will beat IS. Happy 7 Month Birthday!
What a great photo! I think he looks like his Grandpa Rich. Wishing you all the best for a continued healthy furture. Maribeth