Our Little Superhero's Fight Against Infantile Spasms
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Countdown to Keto
Marek only has a few days left to enjoy all the food goodies he wants. He has had pancakes with syrup, ice cream, donuts and much more. He loves food now and It’s going to be hard sticking to the strict diet, but that’s what needs to be done. We have been trying to gather everything we need for the diet before we get admitted on Monday. Since the slightest changes in carbs/sugars can mess with how successful the diet is we have to change Marek’s shampoo, lotion, sunscreen, bug spray and hand sanitizer. We also have to change all Marek’s medicine to the pill form so that we can crush them and dilute them in water since many liquid medicines have high contents of sugar. We have bought special bibs, containers and spatulas so that we can get every little drop of food out of the containers and are able to capture any food that spills and get it into Marek’s mouth. Strict, Strict, Strict! Lots of changes to be made! Marek has been extra crabby these last few days so we took him to the doctor today and sure enough his ear infection that he has two week ago is still there. So he was prescribed a stronger medicine (in pill form of course) and our fingers are crossed that it gets cleared up quickly.
Marek was evaluated for Speech on Monday. We have not heard whether he qualified yet (but we are expecting that he did). We should hear by the end of next week. I was pleased with the evaluation. Its hard when a therapist only gets a 45 minute snap shot of what your child can or cannot do. I would say overall Marek demonstrated all his strengths.
Operation crawl is off to a slow start. Marek HATES putting weight on his hands so we have a lot of meltdowns that happen during therapy these days. It is frustrating for everyone because these are skills that come “naturally” to babies so it is difficult to teach skills that should practically be “reflexes” like if you were to fall you put your hands down.
I am happy that Marek will have “two full time therapists” (Mom and Dad) at home for a few weeks. Ryan, unfortunately, got laid off last Friday. We are hoping he isn’t off for that long. We are taking full advantage though of having him home and making Marek work twice as hard. It is nice having a second set of hands for all the therapy exercises. Although crawling is off to a slow start, Marek did accomplish a milestone today. HE FED HIMSELF for the first time. We are so excited! GOOOO MAREK!!!
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