First off, I want to say THANK YOU to Scott Hopfinger and all of the planning committee for an AMAZING job with the golf tournament. It was put together perfectly! THANK YOU to everyone who came out to play, donated, sponsored and supported Marek. We felt so loved being in the same room with everyone that has been behind Marek for the last ten months. Each and everyone of you make our journey so much easier and our dark days so much brighter so thank you for sharing so much of your love and time with our little man.
Last weekend Marek enjoyed going to his second Chili Cook Off. He liked it so much better this year since he was able to finally sample the chili. We enjoyed seeing Nana and Papa and Aunt Lynn and Uncle Bob. Marek also enjoyed seeing all his little friends downtown.

Marek and I are in Fort Wayne, Indiana right now so that Marek can receive ABM therapy. We drove up here on Sunday. Typically, Marek is a great traveler in the car but of course this time he was determined to make a 5 hour car ride turn into a 6 1/2 hour car ride. We had to stop multiple times for food, drinks, medicine, and to put his binky back in his mouth. Although I was very frustrated with having to stop so often I did have to laugh because he would scream his little butt off until I would open his car door and then each time he would start giggling…I love that little stinker.

We decided to pursue ABM therapy for two reasons. One was because Marek was screaming through each traditional therapy session and for two his development has stalled the last few months. He has done three lessons so far with his ABM therapist and hasn’t cried a tear plus it seems he is starting to connect more with what his therapist is asking him to do. We are still here for two more days and I am anxious to see what he will be able to do at the end of the week. Last night we ate dinner with Tanya and her son Kannon. We met the two of them through our support group for Infantile Spasms, Kannon is fighting the same battle as Marek. The boys loved playing together and I so enjoyed talking with Tanya since we have been living in the same “world”. We talked about therapies, medications and just life with the boys in general. It was a great evening.

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